Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Waiting and vacuuming...

This whole process of moving is a real pain in the ass.  Everything takes so long, we seem to be constantly waiting for something, or someone to get back to us.  How I wish all the paperwork was finished, all the legal stuff completed and we could just get on and move in, instead of climbing around all these bloody boxes all day.
As a means of distraction I have been appliance shopping this week, well mainly on line, reading reviews and product reports.  I really think reading reviews is useful, you get truthful unbiased facts from people that have actually bought used and experienced the products.
We really needed a new vacuum, and I had planned on buying Danni either a Dyson or Miele, both have great reputations, although they are both among the most expensive on the market.  So I got on line and read all the reviews, I quickly decided that I was not going to go with the Dyson, and I couldn't find that much on the Miele, but I found a lot (good stuff) on the Electrolux Nimble, which was half the price of the other 2, it came with a 5 year warrantee, and it was pretty. ( I like pretty things) 
This thing is so powerful! I swear it could suck the dust up through the floor off the ceiling on the apartment below us, I couldn't believe how good it was.  Now I'm off to look for a new washer and dryer, I hope I get as lucky as I did with the vacuum. 

You're probably all wondering (if you're still reading this!) what the heck I'm doing writing about vacuums and washers, (sad isn't it) it couldn't be further removed from Daisy on the water, which she is by the way... Sailing around the Caribbean as I write this, having a wonderful time without me :o(

I keep asking myself "do I miss Daisy?" and the truth is, I really miss having all the fun stuff to write about, but sailing is simply not in my blood, 4 years of living on a boat has proven to me that I truly am a land lover, and a pretty useless sailor to boot, but having said that, being on the boat gives me so much material, and has enabled me to indulge my love of writing, this post alone is proof enough that I am starved of good material, look at me for crying out loud... I'm writing about bloody vacuums...


  1. I would like to add that even writing about vacumes your posts are funny. I happen to need a new vacume so i'm going to look at the electrolux nimble thanks for the tip

  2. all this time I have been reading your blog, I never realized I should click in as a follower until I just saw you had done so on my new blog--sorry--it's now official! Mutual admiration society members!
