We weighed anchor at dawn for our sail down to Grenada. With 30 knot winds gusting to 50, and large swells it was not a pleasant sail, I spent the majority of the journey laying down with my eyes closed, leaving all the sailing to Bob, Edi and Justin. As we continued south the weather cleared and the wind dropped to a much better 20 - 30 knots. We enjoyed another encounter with our friends the dolphin's, they're becoming a very familiar sight. We approached the Grenada coastline around 3pm, and continued on to the southern end of the island to look for a suitable bay for the night. We finally dropped anchor in a secluded little bay at Martins Marina, and having secured Daisy we took the dinghy ashore to hire a car, and drive around the island, stopping on route to pick up some provisions. Before returning to Daisy we stopped at Martins bar for a cocktail, but didn't stay long as the mosquitoes moved in on mass at sunset. Bob decided to give me a night off from galley duty and took us all out to the local Chinese restaurant for dinner. The food was great, and we were all in good spirits, it was a fun evening.
Sunday 22nd June.
We drove around the coastline looking for a home for Daisy for the summer season, and came across Le Phare Bleu, a brand new truly beautiful little marina and resort still partially under construction. Bob met with the owner of the resort, and the contractor. Bob was interested in the hurricane plans for the marina. The bay appeared secluded and well protected, with mooring balls strategically placed in the bay for just such an occasion. While Bob talked to the contractor, Edi, Justin and I checked out the rest of the resort. The lovely pool and sun deck overlooks the bay next to the bar. At the end of the dock is a lightship, housing a residents lounge with over sized TV and selection of DVDs, books and magazine's. Shower's and rest rooms,a fabulous a'la carte restaurant, the marina offices and a lighthouse. the resort has some beautiful beach side bungalows, the owner took us to see one they are luxuriously furnished with decks overlooking the bay.
Having inspected the docks, and looked around the resort we left to continue our drive around the island and look at some other marinas. Following an afternoon of visiting one marina after another we all decided that Le Phare Bleu was absolutely the best, and were we wanted to be, so we drove back and had a late lunch at their beach restaurant, and made arrangements to bring Daisy around later that afternoon.
Once we were safely alongside Bob fired up the barbecue and grilled lamb chops for dinner and I made some of my special Passion fruit trifles. After dinner Bob had some work to do while I cleared the dishes then joined Edi and Justin at the pool bar for a couple of beers.
To learn more about this marina and resort go to: www.lepharebleu.com
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