We spoilt ourselves this morning with a big cooked breakfast, Bob had bacon, sausage, mushroom and eggs, and Danni and I had scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes and smoked salmon. We ate up on deck while admiring the beauty surrounding us. I've never seen water this color, or so clear. After breakfast Bob and Danni went ashore for a hike, I stayed to do laundry and cleaning. The national guard said they would pay us a visit today, but I don't actually expect them, they often say they are coming out and they rarely do. I sat under the shade of the bimini and repaired our frayed flag as best I could. As expected both Bob and Danni got pricked by cactus while hiking. Flowering cactus grow everywhere on the island, they're beautiful to look at, but quickly lose their appeal when one embeds its spines into you.
I made a delicious saffron shrimp risotto for lunch, then we all took a luxurious afternoon nap before venturing ashore again to snorkel. Danni stayed on board to rest, saying she had, had enough sun for one day. While we were walking the beach we met a couple from Le Phare Bleu, and Andi, a lady Danni met yesterday with her husband Roger they were also making their way across to the ABC islands. The snorkeling here in La Blanquilla is fantastic, I have never seen so many amazing fish in such large numbers. I collected some more beautiful shells from the beach, my collection is growing fast.
We were all so full from lunch I made a simple cheese plate for supper, Bob repaired the fishing pole, and I remade my necklace using fishing line and added some of the smaller shells I had collected today on the beach.
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