Tuesday 29th July
After two weeks back on dry land, it was time to return to Grenada and Daisy. My return trip to Grenada was a nightmare taking a full 29 hours door to door, between the cancellations, an unplanned overnight stop in St.Lucia, some rather unpleasant arguments with some very rude airline staff, and lost luggage I was about at the end of my tether. I was so grateful that I didn't have Nicho-San with me. I eventually arrived back at Le Phare Bleu at 10am and was so warmly greeted by everyone, I think my cab driver thought I was a celebrity. I was exhausted from the stress of the trip but happy to be back, it felt like coming home.
For the next ten days while I waited for Danni and Bob to arrive, I kept myself very busy working on the boat, cleaning, polishing and baking for the trip. I also managed nightly games of Mexican train with friends at the resort.
Monday 11th August
After a very tiring trip, Bob and Danni arrived at Le Phare Bleu at 10pm last night. I was so happy to see them both, after 10 days alone I was missing my family. We spent a quiet day relaxing at the resort, sipping cocktails by the pool, and just doing simple jobs around the boat in preparation for our trip. The evening was spent at the bar with all our friends, and enjoyed the oildown on the beach. Oil Down is a traditional dish served on special occasions, its similar to a stew, made with local vegetables, fish, chicken, pork and beef. I thought it was a little like a winter stew made by someone who couldn't make up their minds what to use, so they emptied the contents of the fridge into a pot and heated it. However, everyone appeared to enjoy it, and the festivities on the beach were a lot of fun.
After much discussion regarding our route across to the ABC islands, we made the decision to avoid not only mainland Venezuela, but also Isle Margarita; there have been so many reports of piracy in and around Porlamar, it seemed foolish to put ourselves at risk, when it could be so easily avoided.
We planned our route traveling directly from Grenada to Los Testigos, where we planned to spend a few days, before sailing on to La Blanquilla, Los Roques, the Aves, and eventually Bonaire. With our route decided upon we were free to relax for a day and enjoy the carnival.
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