Our first 18 months aboard were spent sailing around the Caribbean mainly in the friendly waters of the BVI's, and up and down the East coast of America. Bob was absolutely in his element, spending his time happily familiarizing himself with all the systems and workings of the boat. While I spent my time bouncing around a galley the size of a shoe box trying to prepare meals in sweltering heat. Operate the mainsail without jamming up the hydraulics, or tearing a hole in the sail (yes I actually did that).
I also proved to be totally inept at driving the dinghy, displaying nothing resembling control, causing raucous laughter from Daniela who was watching me, and putting fear in the hearts of the other boat owners within range, for the safety of their vessels. The last straw for Bob was following an unfortunate incident one-day where I almost turned the dinghy upside down by driving it up over the stern of the boat. Bob felt the only safe option before I killed myself or someone else was to have a steering wheel fitted. A couple of other necessary skills I'm still working on perfecting include, maneuvering around the decks at speed without breaking my toes, or falling overboard, thereby initiating the 'Man Overboard' procedure, something I'm praying that we never have to do. . On the positive side I displayed a skill for varnishing, and have over the last couple of years become inordinately good at it.
As with all cruisers, Bob and I amassed a multitude of both amusing and horrific tales to tell during those early months aboard Daisy; mostly mine due to my total lack of experience and expertise, coupled with my extraordinary desire to demonstrate to anyone interested enough to be watching, my fabulous skills as a first mate. As it happened I didn't possess any fabulous skills, or in fact any skills when it came to sailing, but, as one learns through errors, so I hope to quickly become well educated in all things nautical.
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