Sunday 25th April 2010
The sea bass last night was delicious, but I couldn’t stand the movie choice so I went to the guest room and watched Julia and Julie again. We were up early this morning to head into customs and then a brief sight seeing tour, which took all of 5 minutes, before our cab driver dropped us at the foot of the hiking trail to the Quill.
Armed with mosquito spray, and other motorized deterrent's, bottles of water, sun tan lotion and a change of clothes for when I get all sweaty, off we went. The trail zigzag’s gently up the side of the volcano, until you eventually reach the rim (about a 45 – 60 minute climb), at which point I was knackered, so Bob continued on alone, descending into the crater to see the rain forest growing within. I waited with the company of a very friendly rooster who didn’t leave my side until Bob returned.
Exhilarated by the rain forest Bob then decided to climb even higher to the other side of the crater rim, about 100 feet, the rooster and I stayed put. Bob returned about 30 minutes later and we began our descent, at this point the rooster went his own way.
My legs were shaking like jelly, and I seriously wondered whether I would actually make it to the foot of the volcano, without the help of a team of paramedics. As it happens I did make it, but then there was the walk back. There were no taxi cabs waiting, so we walked, and walked, and walked and walked and walked… OMG… eventually with me limping like a cripple behind Bob.
We came across a Spanish bar where we stopped for a welcome beer. Feeling mildly refreshed we started out again, I felt better but was still limping badly. Eventually we came across another bar The Gin House on the front where we stopped for 2 beers… this is getting better, I think I can now make it all the way back to the dinghy, funny how alcohol confuses the brain.
Back on the boat, a shower, a snack and a couple of glasses of wine, and I’m ready to go out for dinner, Blue Bead Restaurant, here we come… But, Mother nature had different plans, it rained, and it rained, and it rained… I'm sure you get the picture, anyway it eventually stopped and off we went, a little later than we would have liked.
We had a pleasant meal, the menu was a little limited, and not very adventurous especially considering the prices, but we enjoyed our evening and would go there again.