Friday 12th September
The coastguard arrived just after breakfast, a group of five very pleasant, and polite young men. It was difficult communicating with them as they didn’t speak any English, and as we spoke no Spanish, however we managed eventually to complete all the paperwork.
The coast guard were all extremely helpful, and very friendly, they all seemed quite comfortable on board and in no hurry to leave, they were keen to see Daisy and Bob graciously gave them a tour. I gave them all soft drinks, and couldn’t help the feeling that they were making themselves comfortable for the day.
Eventually the coast guard left, and we made preparations to go snorkeling. We took the dinghy across to the closest island but there was no easy landing where we could pull the dinghy ashore and leave it safely, so we set the anchor and swam off the dinghy.
The snorkeling was good but not the best, we saw some lovely species of parrotfish, damsels and trunk fish, but nothing quite as spectacular as Bonaire. The sun was intense today, and it was like a furnace outside. The water was actually hot, and we had to get out to cool off with a cold shower.
We returned to the boat for cocktails and Moroccan lamb for dinner. After dinner we played Mexican train, fortunately Nicolette seems to enjoy the game as much as I do.
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