Tuesday 25th August 2009.
Danni leaves today! Our morning was spent getting the boat ready for the sail back to Curacao, before our (or rather my) tearful goodbyes. Bob drove Danni to the airport, and the minute he returned we cast off and set sail for Curacao. The return trip was easily my worst experience yet on Daisy, our sail back to Curacao was about as rough as it could be, into the wind and current, with huge swells. The trip took us 15 hours and I was sick for most of the way. I didn’t think I would ever want to get back on a boat again.
Funny how short a memory can be, by the time we came alongside in the Curacao boat yard I was already mentally planning our next trip.
This entry is the last for this trip. I will be posting more recent adventures over the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for sounding so excited about me leaving mother... "Danni leaves today!" WHOOO.....