Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What Would You Change?

Life is all about lessons, the things we learn through time and experience, giving us wisdom that we try (often unsuccessfully) to pass on to our (all knowing) children.  This comment is not aimed at my children of course, they are obviously all quite perfect ;o)  But needless to say life's lessons are priceless.

I have to ask, is there anyone reading this that has at one time or another not asked themselves, if they could go back in time, what would they change, or simply just do differently, and what that change would have altered in their lives today.

The list of things I would change is sadly quite large:
If I could change just  a few things...
I would have gone to college and continued my English degree.  I regret more than I can say that I left school to take a job hairdressing, what a terrible waste of time that was, ( I hated every minute of it)  and all because I was so keen to simply get out into the big world and earn a salary.  (and a lousy salary it was too)

It was in my late 40's before I started writing again,  it was quite embarrassing how bad I was at it, I've since worked at it, and I like to believe that I'm much improved. I am at least published now. (hopefully that means something)

My skills in school were always in dance, English, languages and Art, and OH what a difference I could have made had I not cast them all aside, instead chosen one of them and followed it.  It's so sad that I had to reach my 50's before I realized the mistakes I'd made in my career choices.

In my teens I did ice skating for 5 years, and had a natural aptitude for it, 13 years of ballet had instilled the discipline in me to cope with the physical demands of the sport, I was fit and passionate about it, but I reached silver medal level and then stopped, just as I had with the ballet, to move on to other things.

I've always found joy and peace in my painting, but as with so many things in my life I dabbled at it instead of working at it. Instead of making it a career, consequently it's been a hobby that I love but has taken me nowhere.

Six years ago I agreed to sell our home and move onto a yacht.  This was possible a mistake, I've always hated boats and sailing, in fact anything to do with the water, but I love my husband and I wanted to please him so I agreed.
On a positive note it did boost my writing career, in as much as it gave me great material to write about. I started my blog, and I now have over 12,000 readers worldwide (thank you all so much for that) my readers seem to love what I write.
But now I'm off the boat, I'm struggling for material that will interest any of my readers. I can't help but wonder if is this yet another thing that I've started and not finished, taken it so far and then left mid stream...

I'm 58 years old, and still wondering which passion I should follow to make a career, the choices are now somewhat limited given my age and physical ability, but I still love cooking, painting and writing,  and I still have a thriving passion for all these things,  At least I'm never bored.

Who knows what the future holds!

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