Friday, January 21, 2011

Police & cheerleaders

So, taking the bus into Colon today to do a supermarket shop was an interesting ride, first we pass the armed guards at the entrance to the marina, then we head out through jungle for about 20 minutes, albeit on concrete roads, where all sorts of wildlife surround you.  I spotted a couple of crocs in the river, and a funny looking furry creature with a long tail and its head in the grass at the side of the road.  There are Toucans, eagles, monkeys, fabulous butterfly’s and all sorts of interesting creatures not normally seen outside of your local zoo.
Crossing the first lock of the Panama canal took ages as a ship the size of a small town was crawling slowly through pulled laboriously along by the donkey trains.
The surrounding countryside was untamed and sadly littered with garbage, as we approached the main town there was yet more garbage and typical neglect of buildings. 
In the town everyone drives like they’re either crazy or blind, there are absolutely no traffic lights, no signals or any road signs anywhere, no courtesy from drivers, in fact I don’t think they would even understand the meaning of the word. 
 Police are everywhere running around brandishing their automatic weapons like cheerleaders with batons.  I wasn’t scared, but I can honestly say I didn’t feel too safe. I am learning all too quickly how dangerous this place is.

1 comment:

  1. Please Be careful, I enjoy reading your posts, I don't want to lose you...
