Monday 12th July
Location: Grande Anse D’Arlet, Martinique.
We were up at 5.45, and weighing anchor by 6am. In order to stay on track with our travel plan that allows us days on our chosen islands, we absolutely have to get to Bequia today. The weather was clear, but there was little wind so we had to motor until we cleared the island. Once out in open water we were able to raise the sails and have a great sail past St. Lucia, and St.Vincent. Just about 2 miles off shore from St.Vincent we spotted some dolphins, they were just laying on the water, basking, we tried to get closer but they dived before we got too close, so we sailed on again. Within minutes we spotted a pod of whales, unfortunately they were also too far away for us to identify the breed. As we approached the northern tip of Martinique we came across some more dolphins, flying fish were everywhere, and Edi spotted a marlin leaping out of the water and another whale, there seemed to be life in the water wherever we looked.
Not being a die hard sailor like Bob I often find these long legs quite boring, unless there is something to see, so we often play audio books as we sail. This leg we listened to Stephen King’s “Cell”. Possibly the most horrific story I have ever read or rather listened to, but it was addictive, very well read, and certainly took my mind off the sailing. This leg we have been very fortunate in our sightings, and between listening to the book and watching all the sea life the journey seemed to pass quickly.
We arrived at Admiralty Bay, Port Elizabeth, Bequia at 6:15pm. The leg had taken us 12 hours 15 minutes; we were all a little tired, but happy to have made our destination on time and without any mishaps.
I can’t wait to explore Bequia, I have been dreaming about visiting this island for a long time.
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