Tuesday 20th July
Location: Los Roques, Venezuela.
This truly has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, even in the Maldives I have never seen water this color. Although, it has to be said, the shallow depths make it quite treacherous for navigating a boat through.
We left Daisy on the anchorage and took the dinghy close to shore to snorkel around the rocky coral areas. As before I was not impressed with what we saw, admittedly the water is incredible, but it’s absolutely teeming with jellyfish. We’re heading over to one of the other islands this afternoon to see if we can find some better snorkeling.
We weighed anchor at 1pm and headed over to Sarqui. I went below to prepare lunch while we motored over. The weather was absolutely perfect, the sea was completely flat, and there was a lovely cooling, soft wind blowing. I served lunch on deck while we were underway. A platter of Italian meats, a selection of delicious French cheeses, deviled eggs with caviar, fresh baked French bread, chopped vegetables with a creamy garlic and herb dip, sweet chutney, black olives and a great bottle of French wine. A group of noisy gulls hovered expectantly around us, as we ate, but we were not sharing any of our lunch with them today.
We dropped anchor mid afternoon at Cayo De Agua, where we were fortunate to be the only boat in the anchorage. Cayo De Agua and West Cay, are two tiny islands joined by a sandy spit, they have tall sand dunes, mangrove trees, lagoons and water holes (which to me means “mosquitoes”.) Cayo De Agua was given the name because of the abundant fresh water easily found just a few feet down.
This is a great place for bird watching. There is a pretty red and white lighthouse on West Cay, but it didn’t appear to be working while we were there. We explored the islands, and swam off the beaches, which was lovely as the water was perfect bath temperature, and once again as clear as crystal.
Our plan is to head out to Bonaire at 4am. Bob had already plotted the waypoint, as it will be totally dark when we leave here tomorrow.
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