The happiness at being back in the islands was of but short duration, I’m thinking, as I sit here in bed at 3am in tears, wanting to tear the flesh from my bones, as once again the Caribbean has greeted me with it’s never ending infestation of dreaded mosquitoes. My arms and legs are covered, yes I do mean covered, in nasty, angry, burning, itchy red welts.
I have by some miracle resisted the urge to scratch for the last few hours, thinking the itching may eventually stop, but it didn't so I gave in a few minutes ago, having jumped in and out of a cold shower all night, used all the anti-itch cream I could lay my hands on, which does in all honesty, nothing, and with no ice on board, (the only remedy that works) I just couldn't stand it any more, I honestly think I will go quite mad.
I sprayed myself liberally with the nasty, poisonous anti-mosquito chemicals before I ventured out this evening, but all to no avail. The bites are bad this time, not that they’re ever good, but somehow this time they're worse than ever. A new breed of demonic mosquito, immune to the poisonous chemicals man has devised as a (so called) deterrent, has evolved to make life miserable.
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Lovely legs covered in bites |
What a welcome back to Paradise !
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