Monday 20th June. Location: Bocas Marina, Bocas del Toro
We were all up early this morning to take Niki to the airport, I use the word "airport" cautiously! Bocas airport is very much under construction, and aside from the runway, perfectly resembles a building site. We almost had to climb over rubble to get to the desk, fortunately the plane looked to be in good order and left on time. It was sad to see Niki leave I probably won't see her again until November. The trip to the airport was very quick, it involved a 5 minute dinghy ride, followed by a 5 minute hike through town. The island of Bocas is basically a runway with a tiny town built around it.
Across the bay, crystal clear, clean water |
Later in the morning Bob and I went back to the same place we snorkeled yesterday, but this time with trusty camera in hand. It didn't take us long to find the same spot we were in yesterday, and Bob managed to get some pictures of the Lionfish, who according to a local we spoke to, told us of a competition being organized (for fun) to see who can kill the most, because lionfish are not indigenous to this area; it's true that Lionfish are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific, not the Caribbean, but you can imagine how I felt about such a competition, I said the fish were worth more than the people who would do that! Perhaps not the best response, but I can't condone killing creatures for the sake of it, to kill for food is one thing, but to kill for fun is sick. Anyway I'll get off my soap box now! Here are some of the photo's...
Lionfish & Angelfish

Colorful sponges ans brittle stars
Beautiful Cushion Starfish |
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