Saturday, April 30, 2011

Caught In The Act!

Yes I see you!

So, the bird feeder I have outside my office window, was quickly discovered by one of our many local Squirrels.
I watched him for a while, I didn't have the heart to shoo him away, he was having such a lovely time with all the bird food.  It was amazing how much this little guy could eat, he was emptying the feeder faster than 50 finches,  meanwhile all the little birds were keeping their distance.  
After about 10 minutes of watching him I decided enough was enough, I shooed him away before he could completely empty the feeder. Within seconds of his departure all the little finches that had been eagerly waiting in the surrounding trees were able to return and continue with their breakfast.
The wildlife here isn't as amazing as in the jungles of Panama, but I am still in love with all the lovely little wild creatures, no matter where or what.

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