Wednesday 23rd June
Bit of a panic (for me) this morning when the 30+ knot winds we were having almost put us on the shore, we were swinging on our anchor stern to the beach, I could literally have stepped off the boat on to the beach. Bob wasn’t concerned as the meter still read 18 - 20’ below us, but the bay here shallows very quickly, and being that close to shore scared me. As the squall passed and the wind dropped off, Daisy settled a comfortable distance from the shore.
Despite having a long list of jobs that needed doing today, we decided to go snorkeling, before starting work. The weather was quite miserable again, gray and rainy, but we were in Great Harbor off Peter Island, one of our favorite places to snorkel, and we weren’t about to let the weather stop us. Edi and I had spotted a magnificent 4’ Leopard Ray when we arrived yesterday, and were hopeful of seeing him again.
Unfortunately the bad weather over the last week had churned up the seabed, so visibility wasn’t as good as we’re used to, and we had to swim very close to shore to see clearly. We were very lucky in spotting three turtles, one of them being a baby, but there was no sign of the Leopard Ray.
Late morning we motored back over to Road Town, where the bay was much rougher than usual, (although its never good here). We all piled into the dinghy and headed into town to run our various errands. Getting back on the boat when we returned was a difficult task as the sea was much rougher, and Daisy was rocking from side to side like a drunk! Ed almost fell in while attempting to jump from the dinghy to the stern deck; miraculously we all eventually managed to board without incident. Then headed over to the fuel dock to fill the tanks.
Underway again, we headed up to Bitter End. Edi helmed all the way as Bob was below decks on a business call. On route I was amused by a very friendly seagull, that allowed me to hand feed him, he flew alongside us for about an hour before taking off.
We picked up a mooring at Bitter End, I made cocktails, and we all settled in for the night. I’m making my delicious ‘Sticky Duck’ for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we plan to leave for St.Maarten, and I have to say I’m dreading it, I hate the crossing even in good weather, and we haven’t had good weather for over a week.
I may need you all to pray for us, even though the crossing is really nothing to worry about, I am such a nervous ninny it scares me to death. OH where the hell did I put the bloody vodka?
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